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Link Disclosure

Purple Rose Crafts is a reader powered blog. We are able to create content because of the commissions we earn from our ads, and by providing links for you to purchase the products we are using. If you like what we're doing, and would like to use what we're using for your project, please click the link and purchase. Please understand, there is no obligation to purchase, and sometimes we may not make any commission for our recommendation. Our goal is to recommend quality products that you can use and enjoy and make beautiful things from. 


Other links in our posts may bring you to another blog, where our inspiration came from for a particular item, or another page on our blog. These links are just me helping you increase your skills or, showing you how one idea can become something else based on an inspiration post by another blogger. I hope you enjoy our posts, and patterns. While a lot of our patterns are free, we cannot provide them all for free, but we feel they are priced fairly, based on time required to create them, test them, and produce them in many sizes, if available. 

Privacy Policy

Any personal information provided to us is kept confidential and will never be sold. By signing up for our free downloads and/or subscribing to our email list, we may contact you with updates, new posts, and additional free patterns and downloads. Payments for purchases are available through Stripe. 

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